Sunday, March 14, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

the 7th week of bible quizzing 2010!

2 corinthians 6-10:11

Friday, February 26, 2010

week the sixth

2 corithians 1-6

Friday, February 19, 2010

the fifth week

1C 14:26 - 16

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

week 3 podcast

1C 8:4-11:16

Denny's Questions week 3

1. What is nothing at all in the world?

2. What indeed are there many of?
So-called gods and lords

3. What doesn’t everyone know about?
One God and Lord

4. What are people so accustomed to?

5. What does not bring us close to God?

6. What doesn’t make us better or worse?

7. What does not become a stumbling block to the weak?
The exercise of your freedom

8. When must they not eat meat again?
When what they eat causes a brother to sin

9. Who is the seal of Paul’s apostleship?
Church of Corinth

10. Where is this found, “Do not muzzle and ox while it is treading out the grain”?

11. How ought to the plowman plow and thresher thresh?
In hope of sharing in the harvest

12. Where do those who work in the temple get their food from?
The temple

13. Where should those who preach the gospel receive their living?
The gospel

14. Why is Paul not writing this?
In the hope that you will do such things for Paul

15. What can Paul not do when he is preaching the gospel?

16. Why can’t Paul boast?
Because he’s compelled to preach

17. What does Paul have if he preaches voluntarily?
A reward

18. What is his reward?
Offering it free of charge

19. Why does Paul make himself a slave to everyone?
To win as many people as possible

20. In what do all the runners run?
A race

21. In what way must you run to get the prize?
In such a way

22. Who goes into strict training?
Those who compete in the games

23. How should we compete?
To get a crown that will last forever

24. How does Paul not run?
Like a man running aimlessly

25. How does Paul not fight?
Like a man beating the air

26. Paul will not be disqualified from what?
The prize

27. Who was under the cloud?
Our forefathers

28. What did our forefathers eat?
The same spiritual food

29. What did our forefathers drink?
The same spiritual drink

30. Our forefather’s bodies were scattered over where?
The desert

31. Where is this found, “The people sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in pagan revelry”?

32. In one day how many died?

33. What should we not do?
Test the Lord

34. What happened when people tested the Lord?
They were killed by snakes

35. What happened to people who grumbled?
They were killed by the destroying angel

36. When standing firm what should you be careful not to do?

37. What will God provide when you are tempted?
A way out

38. What should we flee from?

39. Who does Paul speak to?
Sensible people

40. In what is the bread that we break in participation?
In the body of Christ

41. To what are the sacrifices of pagans offered to?

42. What both can you not take part in?
In the Lord’s table and table of demons

43. What is permissible?

44. What should we seek?
The good of others

45. Where is this found, “For the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”?

46. In what should you eat and drink?
The glory of God
47. What is the head of man?

48. What is the head of woman?

49. What is the head of Christ?

50. How should man pray?
With their heads uncovered

51. How should woman pray?
With their heads covered

52. For what is it a disgrace for women?
To cut or shave their hair

53. From whom is a man not independent?
From woman

54. From whom is a woman not independent?
From man

55. What comes from God?